
Sonic SATAM Adventures Season 1 Episode 1

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Sonic SATAM Adventures Season 1 Episode 1: Lovely Couple of Servel and Mongoose

Written by Aaron Weyl & Reece Wooldridge

at the Felidae Camp.

Prince, Mina and his freedom fighters are now here on the camp.

Prince: "here it is Mina this is my village."

she looks at the village.

Mina: "wow, that village looks amazing Prince (she said when she was gasping)

Prince: "hehehehehe gald you like my village Mina."

Mina: "Yes. It's...wonderful."

Prince: "yeah."

Ricardo: "man i'm very hungry.."

Prince: "Go to the restaurant, my friend."

Ricardo: "okay."

then he goes to the restauant.

Mina: "what's wrong with your freedom fighter?"

Prince: "He's hungry."

Mina: "i see.."

Prince: "You want something to eat, Mina?"

Mina: "well sure, what kind of food you have since your village is brazilian?"

Prince: "Well, we do have different types of food."

Mina: "oh what like?"

Prince: "Fried vegetables, cracklyn, mini chicken, loads."

Mina: "cool and is drinks are also brazilian?"

Prince: "Oh yes."

Mina: "cool, what like?"

Prince: "well there's Caipirinha,Lemon Coffee and water."

Mina: "Oh cool! Lets go!"

Prince: "okay."

and so they off to the small restaurant (which is made of wood.)

Inside there was exotic lights and posh tables. There was a bar too.

Mina: "wow this restaurant is looking amazing i never seen the brazilian restaurant looking amazing."

Prince: "Really?"

Mina: "well yeah."

Prince: "right."

then the radom Brazilian Felidae Villager appear speaking Portuguese.

Felidae Villager: "Olá menina que você olha muito agradável."

Mina: "Uhh, what did he say?"

Prince: "it means Hello young girl you looking very nice."

then Waiter appears.

Waiter: "Olá."

Mina: "Hello."

Waiter: "como pode ter o seu pedido, por favor?"

Mina: "Oh, um, thank you."

Felidae Villager: "você é jovem bem-vindo."

then she walks away.

Prince: "Mina? You okay?"

Mina: "oh i'm fine why?"

Prince: "just wondering that's all."

Mina: "okay." (she said to him back)

Prince: "let's get something to eat."

Mina: Okay.

and so they holding hands and sit down the table.

they ordered their meal.

Waiter: "como pode ter o seu pedido, por favor?"

Mina: Ph, um, fried vegetables and some chicken please. And for drink, lemonade.

Prince: "e eu vou ter um sanduíche de mortadela e Cachaça."

The waiter nods, before leaving.

Waiter: "yes sir."

then he leaves.

Mina: "Whew, I did it!"

Prince: "we sure did Mina and i'm gald you understand what they saying in Portuguese."

Mina: "Thank you."

Prince: "anytime my sweet singgoose."

Mina blushes.

Mina: "thanks..."

Prince: "oh sorry i have say something rude?"

Mina: "Oh no, you haven't."

Prince: "really?"

Mina: "yeah."

Prince: "Okay."

Mina: (smiles)

then waiter returned with their orders.

Waiter: "aqui é o seu senhor a ordem ea "madame."

Mina: "Thank you."

Waiter: "your welcome young lady and enjoy the food."

then the waiter leaves.

Mina: "she spoke English?"

Prince: "only if are some peason speaks english like you."

Mina: "Right."

Prince: "yup."

They begin to eat.

Mina: "hmmmm it tastes wonderful is it Prince."

Prince: "Glad to hear."

Mina: (giggles)

Prince smiles.

Mina: "so should we kiss now Prince?"

Prince: "Oh yes."

Mina: "cool."

Prince leans forward and gives her a kiss.

she kissed him back.

Mina: "Mmm."

Prince: "Mmm."

then the spy camera was watch them kissing.

and meanwhile at the Temple of Felidae..

The leader was walking among the halls.

Felidae Soilder: "oh greatings my queen."

Queen Hathor: "Hello there."

Felidae Soilder: "how's your day going?"

Queen Hathor: "good."

Felidae soldier: "Pleased to hear."

Queen Hathor: "it sure was Soilder, how's my son going?"

Soldier Felidae: "He's good. He's returned with a girl."

Queen Hathor: "girl? what girl?"

Soldier Felidae: "A mongoose by the name of Mina."

Queen Hathor: "i see, well what is she doing here?"

Soldier Felidae: "She's staying here for a few weeks."

Queen Hathor: "i see."

Soldier Felidae: "Would you like to meet her."

Queen Hathor: "sure sent her here."

Soldier Felidae: "Very well."

and so he went to the restaurant to find her.

Prince saw his mother and looked surprised

Prince: "Oh, hello mother"

Queen Hathor: "hello Prince i see you have a girlfriend corrent?"

Prince: "uhhhh yes i have."

Mina: "Oh, hello there."

Queen Hathor: "ahh you must be Mina from Khonhole right?"

Mina: "Yes I am."

Queen Hathor: "right, well i'm Queen Hathor i'm use to be a ledder of the freedom fighters but i retired and now my son Prince is now the new ledder of the Freedom Fighters."

Mina: "Wow."

Queen Hathor: "yes."

Mina: "Okay."

Prince: "so mother what do you want here her for anyway?"

Queen Hathor: "Just to see what she's like."

Prince:  "ahhhh right, right."

Queen Hathor: "Enjoy your stay, Mina."

Mina: "thanks Queen Hathor."

Queen Hathor: "No prob."

Mina: (smiles)

Mina: "Have a good day miss."

Queen Hathor: "you too Mina."

with that, the queen left.

Mina: "wow your mother was very nice queen."

Prince: "i'm sure she was Mina."

Mina: "I heard she was quite mean."

Prince: "what do you mean Mina?"

Mina: "Well, Nicole told me that the Queen wasn't really nice."

Prince: "i see well my mother is nice to me."

Mina: "Okay."

Prince: "yup."

Mina: "I like her."

Prince: "i'm gald you like her."

Mina: "yup."

Prince: (smiles)

Mina: "so Prince what do you want to go now?"

Prince: "Hmm, a walk?"

Mina: "sure let's go."

They leave the restaurant and take a walk around the village, holding hands.

meanwhile at somewhere the Cat Country Forest..

Drago and Razorclaw are begin to track down and find the Chaos Emerald.

Drago: "How much longer?"

Razorclaw: "uhhhh about 35 hours?"

Drago: "What!?"

Razorclaw: "yeah but the tracker says that Yellow Mongoose."

Drago: "Can't we get a car?"

Razorclaw: "we wish we get the car but Nuim don't let us.."

Drago: "Why?"

Razorclaw: "well because we not allowed to use cars in Robotropolis.."

Drago: "Great.."

Razorclaw: "i got a idea.."

Drago: "what?"

Razorclaw: "well how about we going to kidnip her and then she might know where the Chaos Emerald."

Drago: "Good idea!"

Razorclaw: "yeah but how?"

then Lisa appears form out of nowhere."

Lisa: "maybe i can help you boys."

Drago: "why hello there."

Lisa: "top in the morining to you boys."

Razorclaw: "uhhh have we met somewhere before?"

Lisa: "Maybe we have."

Drago: "how?"

Lisa: "Long story."

Drago: "right i see.."

Lisa: "anyways i see you going to kidnip the Yellow Mongoose right?"

Razorclaw: "That's right."

Lisa: "i see well tell you what.

Drago & Razorclaw: "what?"

Lisa: "after when you kidnip the yellow girl, you can join my group called Destructix and then we going to defeat the Freedom Fighters."

Drago: "Oh yes!"

Razorclaw: "yeah!"

Lisa: "Good. Now come with me."

Drago & Razorclaw: "yes miss Lisa." (they said two of them)

with that they followed her.


Prince and Mina were enjoying their walk.

Mina: "wow look at awesome temple Prince."

Prince: "Yeah. My people spent years building it."

Mina: "cool, i bet your mother likes it."

Prince: "Oh yes she does. She visits it everyday."

Mina: "cool, maybe my friend Manic will enjoy of these temples if only he's not lazy doing durms.."

Prince: "Right."

Mina: "yup."

Prince: "Want to go inside?"

Mina: "Sure."

Prince: "okay."

and so they go inside the Temple.

Mina: "It was beautiful."

Prince: "it sure was Mina what do you find beautiful about it?"

Mina: "It's ancient, light, and quiet."

Prince: "great, and let me show you my relatives on this wall.

Mina: "cool."

He leads into one room where there are several other felidae.

Mina: "wow i don't know your have a relatives living this temple."

Prince: "Well I do."

Mina: cool."

Prince: "Yep."

Mina: "What are their names?"

Prince: "well there are too many i name them.."

Mina: "That's okay."

Prince: "is it?" (he gasps)

Mina: "Yeah."

Prince: "okay, weiad.."

Mina: "What?"

Prince: "oh nothing nothing.."

Mina: Okay.

Then a Felidae Soldier came to them.

Prince: "what is it Felidae Soilder?"

Felidae soldier: "We're under attack."

Prince: "what?!, how?"

Felidae soldier: "Come see!"

Prince: "right!"

Mina: "what's going on Prince?"

Prince: "We're under attack, Mina."

Mina: "oh dear.."

Prince: "Stay safe."

Mina: "but i got a weapon.."

Prince: "Well...alright."

Mina: "yay!"

Prince: "but be careful though this is can be dangerous so stay with me okay?"

Mina: "Oh I will."

Prince: "good."

with that, they headed out of the temple and faced the attackers.

and it turns out it's Drago, Razorclaw & Lisa.

Prince: "Hey!"

Lisa: "well well what do we have here the Serval with his blade salf & Mina are lovely couple."

Mina: "Watch your mouth."

then Drago doing a wolf growls at her.

Mina: "That's the most stupidest growl I've ever heard."

Drago: "What did you say young lady!?"

then he glabs her.

Mina: (chocking) "GUCK! ACK!"

Prince: "Mina!"

Drago continues strangling Mina, who was running out of air.

Prince: "let her go!"

Lisa: "i don't think so Serval boy, take her away."

Drago nods, before taking Mina away.

Lisa: "Razorclaw deal with him."

Razorclaw: "As you wish."

Lisa: "good, and Drago come with me and take Mina with me i have a question with her."

Drago: "Very well."

and so they take Mina to somewhere.

by this time Drago let go of her throat.

Mina: "alright Lisa where are you taking me for?"

Lisa: "Quiet or Drago will strangle you again."

Mina: "fuck you Lisa you bitch!" (she said in the angry way)

Lisa: "Language!"

then she kicks her on the leg.

Mina: "AH!"

Lisa: "ha how's it feel bitch?"

Drago: (laugh at her)

Mina: "I can fight you..."

Lisa: "oh is that right?"

then she kicks her again.

Mina: "AGH!"

Lisa: "Drago, put her down. Lets have a real fight."

Drago: "yes miss Lisa.."

Lisa: "now let's begin shall we?"

Mina ran at Lisa and tried to punch her, only for her to dodge and she gotten punched in the face.

Mina: "OOF!"

Lisa: "you can't be me bitch!"

Mina growls as she ran at her and knocked Lisa to the ground. The two females fought hard, but too close, as Mina and Lisa grinded their bodies against each other. Mina punched Lisa in the face, only for her enemy to grab her hair and pull her forward. Then Lisa bitten Mina's left ear.

Mina: "AGHHHHH!"

Lisa then pushes Mina off her and as the mongoose reached for her ear, Lisa kicked Mina very hard in her legs. The mongoose' eyes widened as she fell to her knees, clutching her legs.

Mina: "Oww..."

She felt as if her tight leather pants were cutting into her groin and Lisa smirked.

Lisa: "How does it feel getting kicked in the balls, bitch?"

Mina: "ha good."

then she using his Micophone sword to attack her.

Lisa merely kicked her in the groin again. Mina gasped in pain.

Mina: "AGH!"

and then she using her super speed to kuock her out.

Lisa gotten back up and pulled Mina down.

Mina: "you bastard..."

Lisa: "Don't worry, little bitch."

Lisa pushes Mina over and pulls her body up, and their bodies were pressed hard against each other from the chest down. Lisa grabs Mina's face and squishes it.

Lisa: "at least you can't talk now and Im keeping you warm with my body."

Mina: "just wait until my boyfriend will get you.."

Lisa: Oh, he'll find you...when your dead.

Pressing her groin closer to hers, Lisa began to stroke Mina's hair, before grabbing her throat.

meanwhile at Felidae Village..

(BGM Sonic Advance 2 - Boss)

Prince: "We have to save her!"

Ricardo: "yeah but who will hanging on that Cat?"

Prince: "Uhh."

then Marcelo & Cat appear.

Cat: "don't worry we handing this cat you, Ricardo & Teresa go and save Mina."

Prince: "Okay."

and so they off to save Mina where the felidae freedom fighters are dealing with Razorclaw.

Razorclaw smirked.

Cat: "now Marcelo!"

Razorclaw: "Huh?"

Marcelo begin to use his claw sword to attack him.

Razorclaw just dodged, but his coat gotten torn.

Razorclaw: "hahahahahahah you just missed me monkey."

However, another Freedom Fighter kicked him.

Razorclaw: "OOF!"

Freedom Fighter: "Ha!"

Marcelo: "nice one Cat."

Cat: "Thanks."

Marcelo: (smiles)

Razorclaw: "Owwww."

Cat: "oh shut up cat man!"

Cat kicks him in the head, knocking him out.

then Razorclaws goes to sleep like a baby.

Cat: "Heh."

We now go to Prince.


Mina was still getting strangled by Lisa, who had her body pressed up very close to hers.

Mina: (chocking wheezing) GUCK! ACK!

Lisa: "You loving this, bitch? (Squeezes harder) Because I am."

Mina: "GUAK! Get-ACK!-Off of-UCK!-Me..."

Lisa: "Why? You're dying with someone's body against yours. Isn't that sweet?"

she punches her with her metal hand.

Mina is now really struggling to breathe. Her heart beated quicker, her struggling was slower, and she grew more terrified. Terrified that she was getting strangled to death by another girl, who was pressed very close to her with her face and squished against hers. What a freaky way to die.

Mina: "Guck....Ack..." (Her eyes start to close)

Lisa: "what's wrong sweety do you want some more?" (then her battle mask begin to cover her month.)

and she begin to beat her up with her meal hand and Mina's begin to bleed on her month.

Mina: "Guck...Prince...can't...breathe...ack!"

Lisa: "hahahaaha your boyfriend will not help you now, anyways time to die sweety." (then her Metal Hand turns into long claw and getting ready to kill her)

At the same time, she grinded her body against Mina's once more and the mongoose was nearly dead...

???: NO!!

Prince then appeared and kicked Lisa off Mina.

Lisa: "what you!?"

Mina: (coughing and gasping)

Prince helps her up.

Lisa: "Drago get that Serval!"

Drago: "Yes ma'am."

he begin to fight him.

Prince: "you better leave Mina alone or else!"

Drago: "Or else what?" (he said when he growls like a wolf)

Prince: "other wise my freedom fighters will get you both."

Drago: "Oh yeah? Well let's see em!"

Prince: "farwell then." (and so he click his fingers.)

and then Ricardo & Teresa appear.

Drago: "Uh oh..."

Teresa: "hehehehehe what's wrong Wolf boy? scare?" (she begin using her ice powers.)

Drago: "AHHHH!"

Lisa: "what the fuck you want for Drago destory them!"

Drago: "Uh, okay!"

Lisa: "if you don't then i will punch you in the fucking face got it?"

Drago: "Y-Yes!"

and then he begin to fight them.

Drago: "AHHH! Help!"

Ricardo: "yeah yeah shut up.

Teresa: "frezze!"

Drago gets frozen.

Drago: Help! (he said when he forzen.)

Lisa: "grrrr, fine i'll do it all by myself!"

She charged at Ricardo with her super speed.

however he dodged it and using his thunder to attack her.

Lisa: "AGH!"

Ricardo: "agh that take bitch!"

Lisa: "Get off me!"

Ricardo: "nope.."

Prince: "Let's end this!"

Lisa: "bring it on Serval boy."

Prince readies his sword as he circled her.

Lisa: "is that all the Serval do circled me for the battle what a joke.."

Prince lashes forward.

Lisa: "huh?"

Prince slashes her arm.

then her left arm is begin to bleed.

Lisa: "Ahhh!"

Prince: "ah you see my weapon is called Blade Shaff."

Lisa: "W-What?"

Prince: "that's right Lisa you have no right to hurt her!"

Lisa: "Oh crap..."

Prince: "yes now leave my place and don't hurt her again or else!"

Lisa: "Okay!" (Runs off)

and she using her magic to bring Drago and Razorclaw with her.

Lisa: "I'll be back!"

Prince: "should you right Lisa and you are a bitch."

Mina: "I'm glad she's gone."

Prince: "yeah, are you okay?"

Mina: "I am now that your here."

Prince: "i'm so gald you okay Mina you safe now."

then she gives him a hug.

Mina: "I love you."

Prince: "i love you too Mina."

he kisses her.

Mina: "hmhmmmm."

Prince: "hmhmmhmm."

Teresa: "awwww it looks cute right Ricardo?"

Ricardo: "Oh yeah."

then she kiss him in the cheek.

Teresa: "You liked that?"

Ricardo: "yeah i do really why are you asking?"

Teresa: "I wanted to know."

Ricardo: "oh right.."

Teresa: "You okay?"

Ricardo: "hehehehe i'm fine just waiting for Prince and Mina stop kissing.."

On que, Mina and Prince stopped.

Mina: "wow that was a amazing Prince."

Prince: "Agreed, Mina."

Mina: "yeah."

Prince: "You okay?

Mina: "i'm fine Prince why?"

Prince: "Just wondering."

Mina: "oh right.."

Prince: "Yeah."

Mina: "yup."

Prince: "C'mon, lets go home."

Mina: "okay."

Prince: "come on my freedom fighters let's go home."

Teresa: "Agreed."

Ricardo: "yeah let's go home because i'm hungry again.."

Teresa: "Oh, you and your stomach."

Ricardo: "hehehehe i love to be hungry hmmmm."

Prince: C'mon. (he laughed)

Mina: (giggles)

with that, they headed home, a day of adventure behind them.

Mina: "i really like your Weapon Prince what's it called again?"

Prince: "It's called the Blade Shaff."

Mina: "cool check out my weapon."

then she shows Prince her weapon.

Prince: "uhhh it looks like a Micophone."

Mina: "Oh yes, but (presses a switch and a blade comes out) "It's a blade microphone."

Prince: "wow, that was very cool who build it for you?"

Mina: "Mom and Rotor helped me."

Prince: "ah right, right."

Mina: "so who build your weapon then?"

Prince: "Mother helped me, and father."

Mina: "cool, how old are you when first got that weapon?" (she asked)

Prince: "When I was 15."

Mina: "i see well i got my weapon since i first start as a freedom fighter."

Prince: "And how old were you?"

Mina: "well when i was 14."

Prince: "Oh right."

Mina: "yup, BTW how old are you?"

Prince: "About...oh, I've almost forgotten."

Mina: "Well?"

Prince: "i think i'm 38."

Mina: "Oh right."

Prince: "yup what's wrong?"

Mina: "It's just...I'm 19."

Prince: "i see.."

Mina: "So...we won't go out anymore?"

Prince: "don't worry we are go out besides i'm look 19." ;)

Mina: "Okay :)

Prince: "so just keep in mind alright?" (then he doing a sexy growl to her)

Mina: (blushes)

Prince: "anything wrong?"

Mina: "No."

Prince: "i see.."

Mina kisses him.

Prince: (bushes)

with that, they returned to the village and had a happy evening.

here's the first episode of a spin-off of my Big Hit Sonic fanifcs series called Khajjit in Mobius
so enjoy ;)

Prince, Lisa, and the Felidae Soliders/Freedom Fighters (c) 1misteraaron (me)

Mina/Drago/Razorclaw/Queen Hathor (c) SEGA/Sonic Team/Archie Comics

Sence (c) Reece W.
© 2013 - 2024 DarkCatTheKhajjit
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Erin-Gamer-90's avatar
Wow, nice episode.

And what Lisa did to Mina was sick...